Shortly after the go live of the chamber of commerce website we identified some parts that were at the end of their software life cycle (TODO:unable to find suitable link will create post on that myself).
One of these components was a vehicle called the “product selector”. This part of the site was styled very differently and had a very strong willed DB text search function. Needless to say the “sale” of the products are regarded as important KPI’s for the website. The products contained in this vehicle were (in order of appearance):
- Downloads
- Seminars
- Brochures
Downloads: When a visitor in the website clicked on a download, they were directed to a very cluttered page in the “product selector”. The Google Analytics showed us that only 50% of the visitors found the obscured download button on this page. The solution was simple: remove the download page and make downloads available directly from the articles. The result: 50% increase in downloads.
Seminars: The Chamber of Commerce organizes approximately 2500 cheap seminars per year. These seminars are primarily sold through their website to reduce costs. With the new design of the website featured the seminars less prominently. The users were again send from an article into the “product selector” and lost their way. In addition the old and inefficient (6 screens) web shop which only worked well in IE deterred many users.
The solution was a new fresh design SEO optimized and with a well functioning Search solution. To maximize the conversion rate we also needed a solution for the ageing webshop. We minimized the questions asked and were able to fit the shop into 3 screens. The results were a whopping 70% increase in sales in the first full month.
Brochures: The brochures are almost non existing as PDF downloads are the standard now. However for the few remaining brochures we removed the extra “product selector” page and redirected the user directly to the new and greatly imrpoved shop. This increased the sales with 50%.